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Kongresse en ontmoetings

Op hierdie blad word oproepe, aankondigings en inligting rakende kongresse en colloquia rakende Neerlandistiek in Suid-Afrika en in die buiteland gedeel. Laat weet gerus die SAVN-bestuur indien jy weet van 'n relevante byeenkoms vir die Neerlandistiek-gemeenskap. 


Germanic Sandwich 9

11-12 April 2024, Lancaster University, United Kingdom

The Dutch linguist C.B. van Haeringen showed in his 1956 monograph Nederlands tussen Duits en Engels that, consistent with its geographical intermediate location, Dutch occupies a middle position between English and German in quite a systematic way as far as its linguistic structure is concerned.  Van Haeringen's take on this "Germanic Sandwich" centered on how Dutch has become more analytical over time but later research, especially since the first workshop commemorating his book in 2005, has broadened the scope substantially - covering a wider range of linguistic phenomena and examining other potential explanations (e.g. of a sociolinguistic or psycholinguistic nature). The initial Germanic Sandwich workshop in Berlin has seen seven further editions in Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom and the next meeting will take place in Lancaster on 11-12 April 2024.


We invite abstracts for 20-minute talks (+ 10 minutes for discussion) in which Dutch is compared to German and/or English (other Germanic languages may obviously be included too). We welcome studies with a comparative and/or typological approach, focusing on structural and/or variational aspects of these languages from a synchronic and/or diachronic perspective and are also open to research dealing with language acquisition and/or taking a psycholinguistic point of view.  We especially encourage young scholars to submit their abstracts, in order to achieve a good balance between experienced and new researchers.


Abstracts should be written in one of the three conference languages (English, Dutch, German). They must be anonymous and no longer than 500 words (including examples, tables and figures but excluding references). They should be sent, as a pdf, by Friday 1 December 2023 to


Notification of acceptance: 15 January 2024.



  • DGfS 2021 AG 5:

    • Encoding aspectuality in Germanic languages — empirical and theoretical approaches​

    • University of Freiburg

    • Freiburg, Germany, February 24-26, 2021

    • Call for papers: September 15, 2020

    • More info:


  • Uitnodiging – Studiegroep Afrikaans en Nederlands (aanlyn forum)​​

  • Die 10de internasionale kongres van die SAVN

    • Tema: Een leven met teksten

    • Datum: Julie 2020

    • Plek: Windhoek, Namibië

    • Meer inligting sal binnekort op die SAVN-webblad te vinde wees.

  • Nederlandistiek Winterskool 2020

Die SAVN-bestuur het besluit dat daar geen Nederlandse Winterskool in 2020 aangebied sal word nie.

Daar is verskeie redes vir hierdie besluit, maar die belangrikste is dat die SAVN beoog om nuwe stukrag te gee aan Nederlandse taalverwerwing by alle universiteite waar nog Nederlands gedoseer word. Hiervoor is daar ruim beplanningstyd nodig. Die Winterskool hervat in 2021 - nuwe baadjie!

Ons wil ook tydens 'n paneelsessie oor taalverwerwing by ons Windhoekkongres ons toekomsplanne hieroor bekendstel.

Ons wil dit benadruk dat ons studente van 2020 wat vanjaar die Winterskool sou wou bywoon, graag sal akkommodeer in 2021.

Ons moedig julle ook aan om goeie nagraadse studente na die kongres te laat gaan. 'n Mens sou die Basisfinansiering hiervoor kon gebruik.

Ons hoop julle verstaan ons besluit in dié lig.



  • Die Internationale Vereeniging vir Neerlandistiek

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